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Stamps, yellowhammers, summer, and gorse...

I always wanted to design postage stamps but never got asked to, not in France, not in New Zealand. Maybe it's too late now; who sends letters anymore?

There seem to be a lot of yellowhammers this year. Perhaps this is because I have been walking in the hills a lot, and summer has come early this year. The yellowhammer is a bird of summer, and of gorse. Of which there is a lot, also. Nice to look at, but a pain to draw.

J'ai toujours rêvé de designer des timbres poste, mais on ne me l'a jamais démandé. Pourtant....

Le bruant jaune est un oiseau en déclin en France. Ici en Nlle-Zélande, il y en a partout dans le compagne. J'adore sa chant, que les autres disent triste et monotone. Pour moi, avec les cigales, c'est la bande sonore de l'été dans ces collines de l'interieur.

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